Occupational therapy provides skilled treatment for infants and children who need special help developing or regaining functional skills such as self-care and activity of daily living (ADL) skills, feeding and oral-motor difficulties, play and social skills. Occupational therapy is also indicated for children having difficulties with upper extremity orthopedic/neurological injury, splinting and positioning needs, home accessibility evaluations, motor planning / visual motor control, sensory integration dysfunction, school functional assessments including handwriting.
The occupational therapist provides individualized assessment and often early detection of physical challenges. Treatments are play-based and are unique to the developmental level of each child.
As with most problems in life, the sooner they are detected and addressed, the higher the success rate. This is especially true for children with special needs. We can help you address a functional difficulty before it causes a reduction in functional abilities, low self-esteem, poor school performance, or strained peer and family relationships.